idoba’s technology creates a mine planning innovation ecosystem

How idoba taught mine planners “to fish”, improving the speed and accuracy of feasibility phase mine plans.

There’s an old saying that if you give someone a fish you feed them for a day, but if you teach them how to fish you feed them for a lifetime. And that’s exactly the approach idoba took when a Canadian mine planning company was looking for a better way to wrangle the many, diverse, and frequently changing variables involved in mine planning during the feasibility phases of new mining projects.

Instead of just building a model to predict mine costs, flag potential bottlenecks, and identify areas to increase value, the idoba team worked closely with the mine planning company to upskill their mine planners to build, implement and maintain digital value streams using idoba’s technology platform.

Though a series of workshops with stakeholders, we co-created a digital business driver model which was iteratively evolved to include mine specifics. From this original model, we were able to demonstrate through regular training how the models could continue to be evolved and utilised through the life of mine.

With these newfound skills, the mine planning team now have the capability to create and build digital models that flexibly leverage data-driven decision making throughout the mines’ lifecycle. And best of all, this means the mine planners are saving their clients significant money and time through improving the accuracy and speed of the work they produce.

Now that’s what we call co-creating better futures!

Ready to take your mine planning to the next level? Chat with us to get see how we can help.


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