idoba uses intelligent data to predict future mining technology breakdowns

How idoba is using tomorrow’s technology to stop many costly mining repairs before they happen

We’re entering the era of artificial intelligence. Smart companies are now using automation and data analytics to get on top of costly machinery downtimes and maintenance expenses before they happen. This is exactly what we did to save our client 8.9% in maintenance and 14.7% in reduced downtime. 

In mining, machinery breakdowns can cause big blows to the bottom line. But what if we said it was possible to stop many of these from happening in the first place? We showed one prominent mining company that intelligent data can be used to predict when machines would need maintenance to prevent damage and delays. This meant, our client would know exactly what factors contribute to machine failure and minimise these by staying ahead with prevention strategies. 

Our engineers and data scientists began by figuring out the main reasons machinery may need maintenance. Then, they combined control theory, automation, industrial mathematics and data analytics concepts to this data to forecast when the technology might need upkeep attention. Our clever modelling worked out when each machine would need maintenance based on its day-to-day operations. 

Our future-focused approach reduced our client’s machinery downtime by 14.7%. This saved the company 8.9% every year on maintenance costs. 

Together we’re using next-generation technologies to stop repairs before they happen, to shrink maintenance costs and generate our country’s resources faster.  


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